Thursday, April 15, 2010

Cuba's Economy... Blog # 14

Cuba’s economic freedom score is 26.7, making its economy one of the world’s least free, ahead of only Zimbabwe and North Korea. Its overall score is 1.2 points lower than last year, reflecting primarily a worsened score in investment freedom. Cuba is ranked at the bottom of 29 countries in the South and Central America/Caribbean region, and its overall score is less than half of the regional average.

Cuba’s overall economic freedom remains severely hampered by institutional constraints, and the private sector is very limited. Because the government dictates most economic policies, many aspects of economic activity are tightly controlled by the state. No courts are free of political interference, entrepreneurship is impeded, and private property is strictly regulated. Lack of transparency and excessive regulations limit trade and investment.

I think this is very sad for Cuba's situation since Cuba depends on China and Venezuela very much. The freedom of economy in Cuba is a very big barrier for the Cuban people to make anything out of themselves, which has them stuck at the same level forever without the opportunity of having a higher class or get higher wages. The government controls everything and it will remain that way until Cuba is not communist anymore. The government has taken the control of everything in Cuba where the people have no option but to follow rules and do as the government states. The people don't have the chance of creating their own business or make any investments which leaves them just living in Cuba without any hope of economical progress. Its sad but its the truth. Hopefully things change in Cuba and everything gets better for them. The new plans have been working but it is still all about the government, the people get only a small advantage on these new plans. Cuba just actually came out with a new brand of Cohiba cigars that were specially grown and rolled to make 100 boxes this year. 100 boxes is equal to 5000 cigars since each box has 50 cigars. Each box was priced at $750,000 and they are all already sold this year. Cuba has plans of growing these plants again and make these cigars again in 2016, but grow enough to make about 10,000 boxes for the year of 2016.
Enjoy the blog.

1 comment:

ECO2013Blog said...

I had an idea Cuba was bad, but only coming in front of places like North Korea is ridiculous. I understand how if a culture doesn't know any better, the citizens stay blind. To some extent though, some allied country would step in and actually fix a rising problem and turn it to a huge income. I do realize once you free a country, you own it (much like Iraq); but Cuba has great possibilities.

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