Saturday, March 20, 2010

Cuban economy.. Blog #10

The Cuban economy is facing some current changes for the better of it. The country maintains as a communist country but more jobs are being created and prices on food was said to be dropped a bit. Cuba has been facing communism since 1959 when Fidel Castro took over the country. Ever since 1959, all the people who owned businesses and farms were basically kicked out of their property and soon they fled from the country. The government took power of all the businesses and farms in Cuba and lucky were the people who were able to leave the country.
Soon enough after that, Castro became affiliated with all the other communist countries to make trades with them. In 1980, United Stated allowed Cuba to send people over, and what Castro did was clean all the jails in Cuba and send all the criminals to this country. That was called the boat-lift. All those Cubans came to this country and started taking over Miami and also the Tampa area.
Cuba's economy grew more since they got rid of all those people and were getting most of their supplies from USSR. Cuba participated in many wars that they had no business in going to but Castro obviously does not care about his people, so he sent many soldiers to Nicaragua, Angola, and Ethiopia. Many Cubans were killed and tortured in those countries, which was completely unnecessary but like I said, Castro does not care about his people. Recently with his "sickness", his brother Raul took over the country and has been the president for the past two years. Since Fidel's illness, nothing has been known about him, other than what Raul says on TV. Raul has made some smarts move towards the economy of Cuba and its well being. President Obama has gotten in touch with him and they have discussed some issues between the countries and now a couple of things have changed. The economy of Cuba now is slowly growing, and hopefully soon it will open up with USA and open the embargo so that the two countries will make trades.
Hopefully everything works for the best of both countries and each country can enrich from this deal.


Buffetpro said...

I remember my grandmother talking about the vibrant havana in the the 1940's. I sure hope that we can enjoy Havana once again.

aritz1024 said...

This blog brings up interesting possibilites. Im curious to see if US/Cuba relations thaw; and, if they do, how it will effect the global economy.

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